pHure Smooth Gin 700ml


  • Country : Conwy Wales
  • Type : Organic Gin
  • Size : 70cl
  • ABV : 40%

3 in stock

SKU: phuregin70cl Categories: ,

Product Description

Tasting Notes: pHure Smooth Gin

pHure Smooth Gin, the alcohol is diluted with soft filtered Welsh water. Juniper berries and eight other complimentary botanicals to create an exceptionally smooth gin.

Food Match: pHure Smooth Gin

Food such as smoked salmon blinis, nuts, berries, meat and cheese platters, Indian curries.


At pHure they take an environmentally friendly approach to the production of their products. They have installed solar panels to generate the electricity to run their still. The heat generated in cooling the distillate is used for warming the distillery. All of their ingredients are sourced from sustainable sources and composted after use. They try and ensure that all of their packaging is recyclable. Wherever possible made from recycled material. For instance they also reuse packaging in which goods are sent to them.

pHure Conwy gin is made in a 58 l batch from 96 % organic wheat grain alcohol. This is obtained by distillation from an organic wheat grain mash. It is then diluted with soft filtered Welsh water and used to extract juniper berries. Along with eight other complimentary botanicals before distillation at reduced pressure. Produce in Conwy, to give our exceptionally smooth pHure Conwy gin. The distillation at reduced pressure gives us our unique flavour profile. This is also kind to the environment as less energy is used in the distillation process.

pHure Liquors is a small spirit making company. It is run by three scientists who have complimentary experiences in natural product extraction and identification. Drug discovery; chemical synthesis; analysis; and business commercialisation. Therefore they have used their past experiences to develop a flagship gin and a range of other spirit-based drinks.

The directors live in different parts of the country so the company operates at three locations. Manufacture and distribution from Conwy and Brighouse and the scientific development centre in Durham. The company is aware of its position in the communities they serve and are proud to have co-sponsored a number of charity events.